
Interactive installation

The developer Andrea Fasolo Rao and I realized this project at the University IUAV of Venice, in 2015. This is the digital part of a project called "Interplanetary" where we created an interactive Twitter-based installation focused on the deep space with the aim to show the actual timing and the energy spent during communication with one of the real spacecraft currently used.
1. The user sends a tweet mentioning @AtlasDSN at one of the official accounts of the selected spacecraft.
2. The projection shows the message as a signal and the monitor indicates destination, time and user.
3. The message timing takes to reach its destination is the real one and depends on the distance (e.g. Curiosity takes 20 minutes while Voyager takes 18 hours).
4. When the tweet reaches its destination, the text is visualized in the "received" column on the monitor.
5. The user will receive a tweet from the target spacecraft when it receives the message.
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